Saturday 12 November 2022

Recycled plastic pouch

Hello, today i will tell you about my simple project.last night i really wanted to sew  something and my sister told me to sew a pouch for a bracelet pillow and so like this.

Plastic pouch 

My sister is learning to make all about knot.For a moment she just like make bracelet.I have some bracelet and i make the pillow of the bracelet just put it on the table.For long time that is dusty.I have idea to put inside of pouch.But i prioritize of the recycle plastic material.

Recycle plastic pouch 

Material i use is recycle oil wrapping plastic and put magnetic button on the center.I have any of the recycle plastic pouch for my home, as pouch for napkin,for small item like key,hair clip,,and more.I think recycle plastic pouch more good and not dusty😐

bracelet pouch 

If you don't have oil plasticc you can use any kind of plastic as plastic bag,but you must iron it.and you can try to make from sack of the rice.Oil plastic is many in my home.I don't have idea again for recycle it.For a moment just pouch.If closed pouch is like this.

 I sew zig zag stitches for part of the pouch.

Handmade bracelet

I hope you happy for my simple project today and you inspired.For future i will consistence to make beautiful craft from plastic waste,I hope can do it,because my idea for plastic is  little.Let's use recycle product for good world future.Thank you

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