Thursday 17 November 2022

Reycle rose wall decor

 Hallo for today i will tell you about my project.This is rose wall decor.All material is from recycle again.This project s loong project.Need time for dry it and more.

The rose i is from recycle corn husk and frame from cardboard and recycle news paper.Make rose first take corn husk and make long strip and make fold rose thecnique.For one frame i need 20 pieces of flowers depending on size of flower,If flower is small size need more flower.

Detail of the corn husk rose.For this flower i have mistake to make the frame,frame is to hight ☺.

If you allredy all to make the flower.Let's make the frame.Take cardboard and measuring is 21 cetimeter of long and width is 19 centimeter.Make like frame and put the hemp rope on the center, first wrap all frame with recycle newspaper.Dry it

If alredy wrap again with home made recycle black paper,Dry again and rub frame with black paint.Dry it again,Now take thick paper and measuring with frame hole and paste it,This is waiting step arrangement of flower  on the top of paper ,wait for dry and last closed with clear plastic

This flower if alredy closed with cleear plastic.

This detail of  behind the frame.

I hope you happy for my project today.If you want get this product please follow me or give massage.I will consistance  make  craft frome waste matrial and handmade craft.Let's use recycle product for good world future.

Thank you

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