Wednesday 10 January 2024

Make simple paper poridge

 hallo hi,How are you today?almost of my product is from recycle paper.Now i will be share with you how i make simple paper poridge.Wait the moment,🖐i will tell you,i mean paper poridge is not from paper like used   noted paper,novel paper and else.That is not.In my country that type of paper can sell.Some body came in the house and ask who have paper.I also not make from cardboard.I make from shomting buble wrap paper,cover of food,snack and many more,it's like really paper waste.

buble wrap paper

mix paper 

I used loong soak paper.Soak paper for one month,yeah that is one moth.Because for make poridge i used hand,paper must soft.
Presed of paper with stone to make paper always under fo water.Cover with plastic and tie with rope,because will closed for loong time.
If alredy one month,open of plastic and take out all stone.Paper will be have some black color,you must clean it,because paper alredy soft clen with carfully,You can clean also with sieve.
I make with mortar,take the mortar and start for make poridge.Torn small paper,mash with slowly.If paper to dry you can add little water.
torn paper small

turn over paper

If paper not mesh yet turn over paper and you can add little water and mesh again.
add tittle  water

Keep  add water tittle by little.You add water for easy to mesh it.If to dry will be used of more power.Remember paper alredy soft.For make po ridge its easy🥰
Mesh paper until paper like this.For me,i like paper this methode beaus not to watery,You can put in the sack and closed with rope and dry under sun,also i can make poridge paper in large of quantities,becaus i not always get paper waste 😁

paper mesh 

The paper alredy soft,you can used or wait for half dry,or wait until dry like me i used the paper when i have project.Now i have paper stock😊
put in the sack 

If you want put dry paper,just keep the paper in the sack.Don't put in the exposed water pleace and need little space,soo more clean.Next time i wil tell you how to make project from dry paper.


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