Friday 15 March 2024

Recycle plastic cast iron cover,Recycle organizer box are you today?Now i will make some more big project from recycle palstic.Few month ago i need some kitchen equipment for buy and i choose "cast iron" with some think.Cast iron can used for oven and finally verry good for make more tasty food,cast orin is one of healty cooking toools but cast iron is heavy.I buy one set,pan and the lid,it is alredy 8kg😳

cast iron 

When the pan come to my house.I see i have some problem.I don't  have orgenizer.I don't have kitchen shelf for put it.Some day i put everywhere and it dusty because case iron always cover with oil.I plan for make the cover it.Let's start make it.First i will tell you about meansrument:

*lid and bottom:17,5"×14"( 2 pieces)

*back :17,5"×10,5"(1 pieces)

*For zipper:48"×10,5"( 1 pieces 


Noted: i  am wrong write in the pattern all is 10,5"👏

plastic fot bottom and lid

This is plasic for bottom and lid.I used recycle plastic bag.I choose plastic bag because i have many of plastic bag and plastic bag can't used for zipper.Plastic bag is not elastic and will be broken with many of stitching.It is fragile with many time stitched.

back side meansrument

From the back side i used recycle plastic except plastic bag.I give you example like flour cover plastic,Snack plastic and many more.If snack plastic if realy thin you can double fold.Silver color inside and iron it.It will be frown and it will be stick.Seweing pathwork it,

Zipper side 

It is part of loong zipper side.I used same plastict recycle with back side,but it is little loong💙

put on zipper 

Cut the loong zipper side  plastic

Cut of loong zipper as two pieces.Meansrument 2"on the loong side and cut it.

Sewing zipper in the middle 

Sweing the zipper the middle of cut of plastic,fold and finishing with zig- zag stitches for along of zipper.

plastic for lid and bottom 

Cut the plastic for bottom and lid.That is beutiful color😆.Cut 2 pieces of recycle plastic.i used  zig-zag  stitches  for make plastic patchwork.Time for assemble it.

assemble it.
Mark middle of recycle  plastic  fo bottom and mark the middle of zipper plastic.Meet one mark middle from bottom and one middle from zipper,Start sewing from the middle,and sewing other side of square from the middle also.
Rest  seewing 

Don't sewing all of parf,Leave 2 cm without sewing.

swe the back side.

Put the back side as picture ,Sewing and leav 2 cm without sweing at the letf and right.All withot sewing in all corner.I verry like used this methode for make box ,because i can cut if more big and make the right size
Sewing corner 

Meet the corner of back side,sipper side and the bottom side.Make right place and sewing.Corner of bottom used as marking and cut of rest of plastic.Make also same methode with other side corner.Now you alredy have the bottom and high of the box.For sewing of the lid used same methode with the bottom.
*Make the middle mark of the lid and make middle mark in the zipper and make mark in the backside.
*Meet all of the midle to the lid and start sewing trom the middle .
*Always leave sewing in the all of corner.
*The end Sewing all corner,make right place and sewing the corner one by one.

if open


This is my simple bread for breakfast.I make it from cast iron.That is good and teasty and more importan it hold for a week😁.I will share for ingredient and make how to make cast iron for simple oven my way 🥰on the future post.See you nex time.Always take care and keep sustainable.
Thank you