Sunday 23 June 2024

Clean recycle plastic.How to clean recycle plastic with little waste may away.

 Halo,hi.How are you today?.Now and future i will be share for you,how i get material of my craft,it is really for recycle.I get if from rest of plastic my used and some i get in my area.I must be clean it and make sure it  clean and more.I change of my house storage from plastic.I think i as war with it😅.I want to prevent this plastic come to beach or polluting environment.Some animal very difficult for get the food cause the environment very pollution.Let's get acquainted with the chicken.

Hungry chicken
It came to my house, i think it is very hungry.It is a random shuffle of my rubbish inside of plastic.It tries to open plastic with its foot.Soo  i give it the small cut of bread. i already give it bread until the baby already bigger today 😂, many animals feel very difficult to life because of our lifestyle.Let's will more think what will you buy,then think where is the waste after make this?.Because you are human.Let's go to topic.How to clean the plastic with little waste?.After come in there i will tell you.I used two kind of detergent.Natural detergent and detergent.I already try used just natural detergent,but not work with the oily plastic.I mean the plastic before used for put something oily,for clean this.I need detergent.

sort the plastic
The first sort of plastic.The good news,i always have little oily plastic.So,i will use little chemical detergent💃.Three type of short plastic consist of,oily plastic,very dirty but not oily,medium dirty and not oily.The first clean the medium dirty.

soapberries water 
For not oily i used shopberries soap in indonesian the name is "lerak".Just put the shopberries water in the bucket,add the water until full bucket.Start to clean the plastic.Add the plastic one by one clean plastic with hand,if the water already dirty make the soapberries water again


Because it from natural,don't have many bubbles.For how to make the soapberries i will tell you in the next post.

clean by hand

This is how to clean  plastic,make sure all of the plastic is clean like a corner and some plastic has fold parts that must be cleaned at that part.Before put at the clean bucket be sure all part of the plastic already clean.Put in the one of clean bucket.
dirty plastic 
Now, clean the dirty plastic.Add in the soapberries water and clean with hand.
clean plastic
If the very dirty and medium dirty is clean,put in one of the one bucket, add clean water and clean again one by one.Set it aside.Now,time to clean the oily plastic.

chemical detergent

many bubble 

Add a little detergent and add water,clean the plastic one by one.Don't forget to use hand gloves if your hand is sensitive with ingredients of detergent.

add plastic in the water

rubbing one by one 

Add the plastic at the detergent water,rubbing one by one until all the plastic is clean.
see all part of plastic
Don't forget for all parts of plastic and clean.Put it in one bucket and clean again with clean water.In this time i check again the plastic,just to be sure all is clean.
clean plastic 

recycle plastic 

finish clean 

It is done.All is already clean.I feel very happy and exhausted 😍,i really love to see the color.

green plastic 

End clean 

That is not enough for one bucket,so I got two buckets 😀.See you at another post,take care and keep sustainable.For the see of us sustainable products you can see at etsy.Thank you.

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